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Soul Chakra Therapy


Your chakras are your energetic centers that tell a story of your mind, body and spirit. They also address your development and allow you to understand patterns in your life. Chakra health is just important as our physical health. When our chakras are depleted and our energy is low disease and discomfort sets in. Along with anxiety, stress and a feeling of being stuck.  Learn how to connect with each chakra and feel the flow or resistance of your energetic body.


Recognize blockages or imbalances buried in the subconscious mind with your chakras. Understand how your chakras function and what they can tell you about your life and how they can help you make positive changes in your life.


Receive meditation, visualization and affirmations to clear many emotional, physical and spiritual traumas.

Chakra test and hand out included.

Wellness, Weddings, Wisdom

Ann Connor-Lewis

Ordained Minister C.I.M.M

Registered Wedding Officiant

Registered Natural Health Practitioner 

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